Images tagged "shekolo"


  1. Chaz

    Sounds like an amazing adventure Steve. I will be following and wishing you safe and meaningful travels.

  2. The Big Oz

    You’re arriving with your bike in those boxes? No probs, will just take the seats out of the car.

    Really looking forward to seeing you on Friday. It’s been too long!

    • Yeah, the big one is about 26″ x 33″ x 8″, the other’s a couple inches shorter. Each is about 40 or 45 pounds.

      It has been too long!

  3. roger

    sounds like an awesome trip! what we want to know is… every little detail! =)

    safe travels

  4. Janice and Joe Baloga

    Joe and I wish you the best on your adventure. Keep us posted. Janice and Joe (your Dad’s friends in Pahrump)!!!

  5. Andrea Stremmel

    I am just starting to read your blog/look at your pictures. For some reason, I didn’t realize you were posting things! Very cool. I am looking forward to reading more. I’m impressed with your energy and your desire to bike this far. :) Best of luck with the wild pigs and other wild things you come across! Take care!

  6. Roger

    excellent write ups so far. keep ’em coming!

  7. Osama

    I see from pictures that you’ve been through San Sebastian (although not yet posted). I’m told that San Sebastian has more Michelin starred restaurants per capita than any other city in the world. I take it you tried them all and can now provide recommendations? And do any of them do scones with jam and clotted cream or Hobnobs?

  8. Yakob

    Please Steve write about spain

    PS:Nice dog you have

    Yakob, Ada, Luis, Isaac

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  9. Osama

    Were you still taking French when we had to read Le Petit Prince? I preferred Emile et les Detectives. (That was with Mr. Flatten)

  10. yuriy

    Hello, Steve! How is your raid? Thank you for good words about Laayoune! Good lack!

  11. Thank you for all the detailed info on Western Sahara and Mauritania. We are in Marrakesh right now, getting ready to bike south …

  12. TheBigOz

    Biking aside, wish I could have been there for the mini Hillcrest reunion. Have some injera for me.

  13. I’ll be in the country for another four weeks, come on down. :)

  14. Jørgen Stig Jensen

    Hey Steve.
    Very beautiful pictures. The bridge on image 16 and 17 must be the one Indiana Jones cut in half in the second Indiana Jones film back in the 80’s?!
    Your invitation to come on down and share the experience with you draws me like a bee to a blossoming flower and I would be on my way if not my boss, my wife and kids and my bank account said no!
    Have a nice trip.

  15. TheBigOz


  16. Janice

    Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!

  17. cheryl-lair hill bistro

    Thanks for the post card! Your travels look amazing!

  18. kathy

    Fabulous photos! We’ll tour Greece with the boys via your pictures tomorrow night–also including an inservice on street art.

  19. Craig

    All your Athens photos are interesting but I particularly like the city overviews and the wall painting behind the smartcar. Happy riding. Say, Macedonia should be cool!

  20. Linda Magee

    Hi Steve! Your pictures are wonderful, very nice to see them and read your diary. Seeing Dubrovnik brought back vivid memories from my brief visit there about 2 years ago, including the mortar shell divots on the buildings in the town. It’s a blessing to travel vicariously with you on this adventure, and Craig and I really appreciate following your progress! Hi from Sparky, too. All best, Linda

  21. TheBigOz

    Still think you’re nuts!

    See you soon

    • Oh, I’m not going to deny it. That’s probably in part II. Looking forward to seeing you!

  22. fred

    Hello Steve, it’s Fred, we shared a location in the campsite of Macon. I arrived well has destination after this 1st trip of 800km.
    I wish you good road.

    • Hello Fred! Glad you made it to your destination. I hope you enjoyed the trip. It was great to meet you in Macon.

  23. Jenn

    Gorgeous photos! You are an inspiration.

  24. kathy

    Mark is disappointed you opted to take the muggle route instead of going through 9 3/4 to catch the Hogwarts Express. Luke is “pining for fjords” near Edinburgh.

  25. Craig and Linda

    Well, we’ll certainly miss the trip reports — and fabulous scenery and adventures — but it is a good time to conclude the 2014 travels.

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